
April 15, 2024

What to Expect From a Tarot Card Reading Session

You can’t be responsible for thinking that a typical tarot card reading session will give you a sneak peek into the future. This is, after all, how tarot readings have been marketed forever. Of course, this feeds into our human need to control our world by at least getting some idea of how things will pan out.

Let me be clear. If this is your expectation, you won’t need a more productive and positive experience from your tarot reading.

Why? It will quickly become a victim of your expectations. You have to expect the right things.

The key here is to look at a tarot card reading, whether an online free tarot reading or something else, assuming that the main benefit will involve your ability to look at your life in a new way.

This is the key. Of course, it’s an excellent thought to set your desires so that when you get more, you are pleasantly surprised. As you probably already know, expecting the wrong things is the only way to be disappointed.

Unfortunately, so many people have had the wrong approach regarding tarot card readings for a long time. It would be best if you didn’t experience the same. So please pay careful attention to the expectations below.

Expect Your Power of Intention to Be Improved

Most people live their lives daily with no apparent intention as to what they will do, who they will be, who they will interact with, and what outcome they seek.

Many people mistake this living and thinking as “living in the moment.” Nothing could be further from the truth!

If you genuinely want to unpack the value and opportunity every single moment brings to the table, you have to have the ability to set your intentions. Of course, different people have different intentions. There is no such thing as the absolute perfect intention that works for everybody across the board.

You have to take ownership of defining what your intention is. What are you looking for in that present moment? How does this expectation align with who you think you are, your values, priorities, and overall personal narrative?

This is the foundation of true intentional thinking because everything you do in this waking world must reflect who you want yourself to become in your mind. When you live this way, with this level of intentionality, you are the author of your life. You get to exercise this essential skill when you get your tarot cards read, whether through a free or paid online tarot reading. It’s all about desires.

Of course, this idea requires a certain level of self-awareness. They go hand in hand.

Expect a Created Space

Everybody thinks they’re stepping into somebody else’s space when engaging in any activity. This is a problem because it leads to all sorts of manipulation. This leads to all kinds of disappointment.

It shouldn’t be a surprise because when you expect others to create an emotional and psychological space for you, you ultimately put yourself at their mercy. You are dependent on them.

What if they drop the ball? What if they don’t care? What if they are reckless? What if they need to be more professionals?

So many things could go wrong, and it’s unfortunate that so many people willingly put themselves at the mercy of others.

Your expectations demand a space, but it must be your space. You must create the terms of engagement with the world that make sense for you.

Unfortunately, many people take the world “as it is.” They’re just surrendering to what other people set up for them. In many cases, they’re not the priority. Most people don’t even care. That’s why it can seem such a hostile and toxic place.

You learn how to set up this space when you practice tarot card reading as a client and reader. There’s just nothing magical about it. It’s all about intentionality, expectations, and the assumptions you bring to any situation you find yourself in.

Unleash this power. Understand it exists and embrace it. Unlock it and tap its full potential in your daily waking life.

Tap the Power of Randomness

When you’re rearranging a tarot deck, what you’re doing is you’re exploring the Universe’s randomness engine. A lot of old-world psychoanalysts say that there is no such thing as an accident. The cards that appear and their symbolism appear for a reason.

You might not be able to figure it out instantly, but they appear at the right time in the correct order at that right moment. You have the responsibility of picking out all these meanings. It is a responsibility you owe to yourself and nobody else.

The key is to engage in the process by understanding that shuffling the deck, as random as it may seem to most people, is tapping into the Universe’s internal order. Things happen for a reason at a particular time.

It’s your job to figure it out and apply it to your life so you end up making better decisions or, at the very least, look at yourself in such a way that you’re no longer the victim, that you’re no longer the underdog, that you’re no longer this person that nobody cares about or somebody who is just lost in the shuffle.

Instead, you start going on the road to becoming the true captain of your life.

Open Yourself Up to the Universe’s Symbolism

If you think deeply enough, the whole Universe in front of you is just a set of symbols. It’s up to us to decipher these symbols based on collective wisdom and personal meaning.

When people use certain words in a specific cultural context, they engage in collective wisdom. They use specific words at a particular time in the conversation to elicit a specific effect. This has a reason, and it changes from culture to culture and from time to time.

At the same time, there is such a thing as personal meaning. So when you look at the tarot card process play out and all these different tarot card symbols during a free or online tarot reading, you get immersed in this.

This becomes second nature to you. It no longer feels strange or foreign.

The more you engage in it, the more it becomes second nature to you, and you start thinking and organizing your reality this way. This leads to greater levels of control and, believe it or not, more profound inner peace and serenity.

About Jermaine Synder